The Qualities of a REAL Man…

Centerpiece from the Men's Pancake Breakfast
Centerpiece from a Men’s Pancake Breakfast

Our culture sure does love to come up with idea of what a “real” man looks like, sounds like, acts like. Some of the funniest jokes play off of society’s notion of masculinity.

So here are some of my all time favorite video clips that play with this idea of what makes a “real” man.

From the hilarious but not really “family friendly” Robin Hood: Men in Tights…

From one of my favorite Old Spice commercials…

From Bluefish TV: Man Candles = MANDLES…

And finally, from comedic duo Rhett and Link – an epic rap battle about manliness…

I was at a men’s pancake breakfast not too long ago and we had the chance to talk about what makes a man. I asked the men to come up with some characteristics in line with biblical behavior that are a better gauge of “what makes a man.” Here are 5 qualities they came up with:

1. A real man takes care of his family
2. A real man serves others before himself
3. A real man makes himself accountable to others
4. A real man hears both sides before making evaluations/judgments
5. A real man is charitable with his time and resources

Notice that what these men came up with have nothing to do with athletic ability. They have nothing to do with engineering, handyman, or mechanical ability. They have nothing to do with fashion sense or artistic taste.

This world is often so obsessed with what makes a man but we limit our understanding to shallow and superficial qualities.

We can do better.

Let’s look beyond the surface.

What about you? What would you add to the list? What makes a real man?

That’s all I’ve got today. I’m gonna go eat bacon and watch the football game.  😉

So...whatcha think?